FarmitRx supports only proven sensor and automation technologies. As a leader in the agriculture technology space our decision to support wiseconn and sentek technologies was the result of decades of research and proven results.
Sustainability is achieved by maximizing efficiency. Automation and sensor technologies are key to achieving sustainability.
FarmitRx is a licensed reseller of Wiseconn, Sentek and related hardware in order to automate irrigation, fertigation and chemigation systems for your fields.
Sentek sensors are the industry standard for volumetric soil moisture sensors. Sentek’s hardware is reliable with 20 plus years operational experience.
Wiseconn provides robust automation of pumps, variable frequency drives, valves, flow meters, reservoir levels, fertigation, chemigation and pH control through an open source platform.
Through a simple but complete web and or mobile interface you can schedule irrigation, fertigation and chemigation as required. Managing the entire system from any location with a cellular signal.