Our Equipment Sales

FarmitRx supports only proven sensor and automation technologies. As a leader in the agriculture technology space our decision to support wiseconn and sentek technologies was the result of decades of research and proven results.

Sustainability is achieved by maximizing efficiency. Automation and sensor technologies are key to achieving sustainability.

FarmitRx is a licensed reseller of Wiseconn, Sentek and related hardware in order to automate irrigation, fertigation and chemigation systems for your fields.

Technology Partners We are a reseller of irrigation automation & sensor technologies

FarmitRx has 28 years of sensor and automation experience.. In 2015 FarmitRx became a reseller of Wiseconn and Sentek product lines.
Sentek Technologies
Sentek Technologies

Sentek sensors are the industry standard for volumetric soil moisture sensors. Sentek’s hardware is reliable with 20 plus years operational experience.

WiseConn / Drop Control
WiseConn / Drop Control

Wiseconn provides robust automation of pumps, variable frequency drives, valves, flow meters, reservoir levels, fertigation, chemigation and pH control through an open source platform.

Customizable Automation and
Sensor Packages Available

FarmitRx installs, provides service and maintenance programs for
your automation equipment and sensor technologies.

Installed, Serviced and Maintained by FarmitRx

  • FarmitRx engineers design configure a customized automation and sensor packages specific to your needs.
  • Our expert field techs robust installations reduce repair issues related to most common equipment, animal and moisture related damage.
  • FarmitRx field technicians service equipment annually under our equipment maintenance service.
  • FarmitRx Equipment Maintenance Services Clients equipment repairs are typically completed within 24 hours.
  • Labor on repairs are free for clients utilizing FarmitRx annual equipment maintenance service.

Manage your irrigation automation using Dropcontrol Software

Drop control is both a web and mobile application that allows for complete control of:

Through a simple but complete web and or mobile interface you can schedule irrigation, fertigation and chemigation as required. Managing the entire system from any location with a cellular signal.

What Wiseconn Cusomers Say?

Madera CA
DropControl lets us put out the right amount of water at the right time, & that's the key.
-Madera CA
Tom Rogers, Rogers Ranch
DropControl is innovative and easy to maneuver. It freed up my time in the field.
CARob Willmott, Fresno State University
UC Kearney
If interested in sub-surface drip irrigation, the irrigation control quality from WiseConn is invaluable.
-UC Kearney
Becky Phene
DropControl is innovative and easy to maneuver. It freed up my time in the field.
CARob Willmott, Fresno State University